Photo 11: Introduction to Digital Imaging
Instructor: Sue Leith,                            Office Hours Monday 1 -2 MRP 2011

More Retouching Practice

Open AnnieStart.psd

Take MANY snapshots – and name them so you can go back in time if you need to.
Save as yourname.Annie.psd – and save to your desktop – and save often. Don’t wait until the end of class to save. This exercise may take a lot of time and if you have to start over you won’t be able to finish by the end of class. Saving right from the start will help you in case of unforeseen problems.

1. Gently soften skin. Don’t go so far the image gets too out of focus.
2. Permanently g­et rid of burns on arms and dark spot on hand.
3. Fade wrinkles on face, but don’t worry about them looking natural yet.
4. Lower opacity of your retouch layer to make her look more natural now. Don’t forge to keep her looking age appropriate.
5. After previous step, check your work carefully. If you find a few wrinkles/spots/marks etc you’d like to remove or fade more do that now. If it looks good, move on to the next step.

6. Remove yellow from teeth and brighten them. Careful to be subtle and age appropriate.
7. Fix right eye.
8. Soften wrinkles on her hand/arms.
9. Color correct.


Here's how to do this exercise, but don't look until you try to do it first.


1. Filter > Noise > Median I used 1 pixel.

2. Do this on the background layer. I used the patch tool. The burn on her left arm is partially in sun, partially in shadow so be careful when dragging the patch tool to match the shadow line. Also check to make sure you are using source and/or destination correctly in the Options Bar.

3. Create a new, blank layer named Retouch. I used a combination of Healing Brush and Spot Healing Brush. Don’t forget to use your option key and click for an area to sample from. Also remember to check Sample All Layers in the Options Bar, and you cannot use the patch tool on a blank empty layer.

4. Toggle the eye on and off on this layer to help you choose a natural opacity. I used 22%.

5. Use the patch or healing tool on the background layer. Don’t forget the option of using Edit > Fade available immediately after any tool.

6. Zoom in on the mouth and, making sure you are on the background layer loosely select the mouth and teeth. Command J to paste to a new layer. Name the layer mouth. Use the sponge tool with the options bar set to desaturate and with a small brush swoop over the teeth without letting up the mouse. If it is too much immediately go to Edit > Fade sponge tool and lower slider. Next use the dodge tool to do the same thing until teeth look natural and age appropriate.

7. I copied her left eye, used transform to flip and distort it slightly and placed it over her right eye. This trick works for fixing eyes behind glasses sometimes.
            Here’s how I did it.
Make a copy of left eye and Command J to paste to new layer. Name the layer. Command T or Edit > Free Transform. You can hold down control when in transform mode and you will get a menu of all transform options.  After flipping horizontal, move eye over other eye with move tool. Command T again to rotate and distort. It may help to temporarily lower the opacity of the eye layer below to help place new eye carefully into position.

8. Loosely select hand and arms, Command J to paste to a new layer. Name layer. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.  I used 1.3 pixels.  If you were not neat with your selection and blurred other areas add a layer mask and paint with black to reveal the area below. Her watch and fingernails are also blurred so you’ll also need to paint with black on your mask to reveal the ‘in focus’ areas below.

9. This image is too blue. Use a curves adjustment layer, making sure to place it on the very top of the layers palette so it corrects all layers below. Use the gray eyedropper and click on a neutral gray areas until you like the change. (Zoom in and try around her watch or the metal circles on her hat.)